Open a Securities Account
What type of account can I choose to open?

Clients can choose to open a cash or margin transaction account. The types of accounts are divided into individual accounts, joint accounts and corporate accounts.

How can I open a new account?

Clients can open an account by mail, open an account in person with our company or through online authentication. If you open an account with our company in person, please bring relevant supporting documents (including identity document, address proof within the last three months, bank account Data) for verification purposes.

Are there any fees for opening a securities trading account?

No, the company will not charge any account opening fees.

How long does it take to open a new account?

The entire account opening process is very simple and can be done either in person or by mail. If all the information is complete and certified by a notary, the trading account will be successfully opened approximately within 2 to 3 working days. When the client's funds are deposited into the account, the account will be officially opened and ready for trading.

How do I get the login password?

Once the client successfully opened the account, the login password will be emailed or mailed to the client's correspondence address, or the client can also choose to log in through internet to change the password.

What should I do if I forgot the login password?

Clients can call our company's customer service hotline on +852 3192 9588. The password will be sent to your phone again after verification of your identity.



What are the qualifications and compliance of Patrons Group?

Patrons Securities Limited is a licensed corporation (CE Number.: BPQ161) licensed to carry out regulated activities of Type 1 for Dealing in Securities and Type 4 for Advising on Securities under the Securities and Futures Ordinance.

>>> CE Number.: BPQ161


Meanwhile, Patrons Capital Limited (CE Number: BSM550) has obtained Type 6 License for Advising on corporate finance issued by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong (SFC) and is qualified to act as an IPO sponsor.

>>> CE Number.: BSM550

Stock Trading
Can I place an order at any time?

Yes, clients may place orders at any time, even if the client's order is accepted during the after-hours session and the order will be processed on the next trading day.



When will my trading order be rejected?

If the client does not have enough cash in the bank's securities account to pay for the purchase of stocks and fees, the order will not be accpected. Alternatively, if the number of shares sold is greater than the number of shares held in the account, the order will be rejected.



What is the closing auction period?

The Hong Kong Stock Exchange has introduced an extra 8-10 minutes closing auction trading session for designated securities from July 25, 2016. The closing auction trading session is a single-price-based trading mechanism in which buyers and seller enter buying and selling orders, and orders are gathered and interacted in the trading sytem to arrive at a price for the maximum number of orders to trade at. After that, buy and sell orders will then be matched and traded at the closing price according to their type, price and time priority.


What is T+2?

The Central Clearing System will conduct securities settlement and fund settlement after the trading day.f

What is the trading hours of Hong Kong stock market?

Hong Kong Stock Trading Hours: Mon to Friday
Auction Session (Pre-Opening Session): 9:00 am to 9:30 am
Continuous Trading Session (Morning Session): 9:30 am to 12 noon
Continuous Trading Session (Extended Morning Session): 12 noon to 1 pm
Continuous Trading Session (Afternoon Session): 1 pm to 4 pm
Auction Session (Closing Auction Session - Full Day): 4 pm to a random closing between 4:08 pm to 4:10 pm
Auction Session (Closing Auction Session - Half Day): 12 pm to a random closing between 12:08 pm to 12:10 pm

There are several instructions when buying and selling stocks. What are the differences between them?

At-auction Limit Order: The market uses the reference price of the largest number of shares of shares for pricing. Therefore, clients need to use the auction limit order to place orders to the market. Note that market orders are placed in order of time and price, the earlier the order is placed/the better the price, the greater the chance of success. Orders that are not traded immediately will be carried over to the continuous trading session and will continue to be processed at a price specified by you.

Enhanced limit order: Used during continuous trading hours. Can be matched with up to 10 queues with different prices at the same time. Ensures that a large number of stocks are traded at the target price as much as possible. After matching, the balance of any unfilled order will be converted to a general limit order at the originally entered specified limit price and will be held in the queue for the entered price.

Odd lot shares (fractional shares): Any odd lot with less than one lot of shares can also be sold by calling the trading hotline at +852 3192 9573/ +852 31929574.

**Please note that the odd lot selling price is usually 8-10 price units in difference lower than the current price, or possibly more.

Trigger order: A type of special order, the most commonly used example is to place a pre-determined order when the target stock price rises/falls through the resistance/support level (target price 1) that is better than the current buying and selling price In the market (target price 2) in order to increase the chances of placing orders and reduce risks when the market is very volatile. However, when the stock price is extremely volatile and there is a gap in the order, there is also a chance that your order may not be executed. For your convenience, you can choose to place orders that are valid for up to 7 days.

The above is the simplest explanation. You can refer to the HKEx website to understand More related information.

https://www.hkex.com.hk/global/exchange/faq/securities-market/trading/securities-market-operations? sc_lang=en

What are the procedures if I want to pick up/transfer the goods?

You can simply download the "Securities Settlement Instruction" form through the online platform, complete and sign the form and send it by mail or fax to +852 3192 4218 for instructions, or call the dealing officer at +852 3192 4218 and the customers service department) for assistance and we will arrange it for you.
Hong Kong stock information (required for transferring Hong Kong stocks)
**Note: Information on both securities companies of both parties is required in the form. The information of the brokers of Patrons Securities is as follows:

Hong Kong stock information (required to fill in to transfer Hong Kong stocks)
Company Name: Patrons Securities
Contact Person: Settlement Department
Contact Phone: +852 3192 9581

How to subscribe for new shares?

Existing clients who subscribe for Hong Kong IPOs can apply for IPO subscription online or call the customer service department of the trader +852 3192 9573 / +852 3192 9574 for assistance. Please confirm that there is enough cash in the account and we will arrange it for you.